Practice Areas

We help Americans get Financial Assistance in All 50 States.


Debt Relief

Greatly Reduce or Eliminate Your Debt

Our partners will negotiate with your creditors to reduce or completely eliminate your debt. At the same time, you’ll be able to put a stop to the debt harassment calls and protect things like your home, your car, your wages and your furniture from creditors.

Get Your Life Back - Debt Free

We’ll help you achieve freedom from your debt. Simply fill out our short form today to see if we can help.


Injury Claims

Get Compensated For Your Injury

If you’ve been injured in the past 3 years, you could be entitled to significant compensation. Our partners will work with you to get the financial compensation you deserve.

See If You Qualify For Compensation

Whether you were injured in a car accident, a work related injury, slip and fall, or medical malpractice, we can help. Simply fill out our short form to see how much compensation you could qualify for.


DUI Charges

Know Your Rights. We Can Help.

If you’ve been charged with a DUI, you’ll be issued a criminal record. A criminal record could effect your ability to obtain a job or travel. Don’t assume the worst without speaking to a professional – we may be able to help.

We Can Defend Impaired Driving Charges

Our partners are skilled at defense tactics which can lessen the penalties associated with a DUI charge. Fill out our short form now to see if we can help.


Mass Tort Litigation

Our Partners Will Fight For Your Compensation

If a faulty product has resulted in an injury or illness for you or a loved one, you may be entitled to significant compensation.

See If We Can Help

Our partners are committed to cases that involve personal injury. Don’t wait any longer – fill out our short form today to see if we can help.

don’t wait any longer

See If You Qualify For Financial Assistance Today

Fill out our short 1-minute survey to see what you qualify for